Speed Up The WordPress Avada Theme

Avada is one the most popular ThemeForest themes in WordPress. However, out of the box it is slow because it is loaded with lots of plugins. To speed up websites built with Avada all you need to do is install the WP Super Cache. The free version is quite sufficient. In WP Super Cache:

  • Enable caching - it's off by default
  • Under Advanced:
    • Choose simple cache delivery method
    • Compress pages so they are served more quickly
    • Cache HHTP headers with page content

  • Under Preload
    • Enable Preload mode
    • Enable Preload tags, categories and other taxonomies

Lastly, run your website through a CDN such as www.cloudflare.com

We have also documented a more general approach to speeding up WordPress websites.

These techniques will giving you decent page load times - happy speed racing!

