Sample Umbraco Razor Macros
How To See What Umbraco Node Field Properties Are Available
How to see what field are available at @Model
Get A Node Via Razor
At lot of blood sweat and tears went into this Macro, may it help someone one day.
This gets details of a blog post or news item.
Get Media In C#
Getting media in C#
public class MediaFunctions { public static string GetURL(string mediaId) { string url = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaId)) { int Id = Convert.ToInt32(mediaId); var media = new; if (media != null) { var file = media.getProperty("umbracoFile"); url = (string)file.Value; } } return url; } }
Getting a list of News items depending on which page of News we are viewing.
Getting media out of News
@{ var start_record = 0; var theBlogImage = ""; } @if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["starting_record"])) { start_record = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["starting_record"]); } @foreach(var blogpost in @Model.Children.Where("NodeTypeAlias == \"BlogPost\"").OrderBy("dateCreated descending").Skip(start_record).Take(10)) { @if(@blogpost.blogImage.ToString().Length > 0) { theBlogImage = @Model.MediaById(System.Convert.ToInt32(@blogpost.blogImage.ToString())).umbracoFile; } @Blog.FormatBlogPost(@blogpost.postBody.ToString(), @Convert.ToInt32(@Parameter.MaxWords), @blogpost.Id) }
Connect to the database via an Umbraco Connection String
ActivaDataContext dataContext = new ActivaDataContext(umbraco.GlobalSettings.DbDSN);
Inline Macro To Get Form Fields and Submit To C#
@{ var id = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); var id_int = Convert.ToInt32(id); var name = Request.Form["ctl00$ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderDefault$txtName"]; var email = Request.Form["ctl00$ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderDefault$txtEmail"]; var comment = Request.Form["ctl00$ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderDefault$txtComment"]; if(name != null) { @ActiviaExtensions.Comments.SaveComment(@id_int, @name, @email, @comment); } @ActiviaExtensions.Comments.DisplayComments(@id_int); }
Access FAQs That Are A Child Of Content
This is done in a inline Macro:
@foreach(var faq in @Model.Children.Where("NodeTypeAlias == \"FrequentlyAskedQuestion\"")) { @faq.question @faq.answer }
By the way, to get to the next content type
var next = @Model.Next(); var previous = @Model.Previous(); @umbraco.library.NiceUrl(@next.Id)
Save A Comment In C# dll
public static HtmlString SaveComment(int blogId, string name, string email, string comment) { ZoesBlogComment zcomment = new ZoesBlogComment(); zcomment.BlogPostId = blogId; zcomment.Name = Microsoft.Security.Application.AntiXss.HtmlEncode(name); zcomment.Email = Microsoft.Security.Application.AntiXss.HtmlEncode(email); zcomment.Comment = Microsoft.Security.Application.AntiXss.HtmlEncode(comment); zcomment.Approved = true; zcomment.DateSubmitted = DateTime.Now; ActivaDataContext dataContext = new ActivaDataContext(umbraco.GlobalSettings.DbDSN); dataContext.ZoesBlogComments.InsertOnSubmit(zcomment); dataContext.SubmitChanges(); //get the email address to send the comment to umbraco.NodeFactory.Node miscellaneous = new umbraco.NodeFactory.Node(1161); var emailAddress = miscellaneous.GetProperty("emailToSendBlogComments"); var serverEmail = miscellaneous.GetProperty("serverEmail"); //or umbraco.UmbracoSettings.NotificationEmailSender to get the from email address in umbracoSettings.config string blogURL = umbraco.library.NiceUrl(blogId); blogURL = "" + blogURL; string line = "The following comment has been made to the post at " + blogURL + ""; line += " Name: " + name; line += " Email: " + email; line += " Comment: " + comment; umbraco.library.SendMail(serverEmail.ToString(), emailAddress.ToString(), "New comment for Zoe's Blog at" + blogURL.ToString(), line, true); return new HtmlString(""); }